Giving data to subcontractors – lessons from recent Notifiable Data Breaches

We are all too familiar with the growing number of data breaches in both Australia and abroad. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) recently issued its Notifiable Data Breaches Report (Report) for June 2023 to December 2023, revealing some concerning findings.

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Privacy, Technology, Commercial Contracts Vittoria De Stefano Privacy, Technology, Commercial Contracts Vittoria De Stefano


To help you determine if your business legally requires a privacy policy under the Privacy Act, we have developed a simple flow chart for you to follow. If the answer is yes to any of the questions in the chart, a privacy policy should be prepared to ensure your business is not subject to penalties for non-compliance with the Privacy Act.

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Privacy, Commercial Contracts Harwood Andrews Privacy, Commercial Contracts Harwood Andrews

Are you in Breach of the Privacy Act?

On 12 March 2014, significant changes to the Privacy Act 1988 took effect that included the introduction of a more comprehensive credit reporting system, and the introduction of a set of Australian Privacy Principles, which set out the standards, rights and obligations in relation to the collecting, handling, holding, access and correction of personal information.

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Privacy, Commercial Contracts Harwood Andrews Privacy, Commercial Contracts Harwood Andrews

Are you in Breach of the Privacy Act?

on 12 March 2014, significant changes to the Privacy Act 1988 took effect. The changes included:

  1. the introduction of a more comprehensive credit reporting system; and2.            
  2. the introduction of a set of Australian Privacy Principles, which set out the standards, rights and obligations in relation to the collecting, handling, holding, access and correction of personal information.
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