Our team works with the community housing sector to deliver secure, equitable and affordable housing outcomes for those who need it most.

Social and affordable housing projects can be complex, and our team has the necessary expertise to guide clients from project inception to completion, ensuring a seamless process and delivery of outcomes.

We have experience advising community housing providers in various aspects of projects, including advising in relation to property acquisition and development, joint venture arrangements, commercial contracting, transaction finance, planning, tender submissions for Government funding, and due diligence.

Our experience in the sector is evident through our involvement advising community housing providers in the following projects:

  • Development and acquisition of 96 dwellings in Melbourne under the Social Housing Growth Fund Rapid Grants Round.

  • Development and acquisition of 112 dwellings in regional Victoria to be delivered under the Social Housing Growth Fund Build and Operate Program Round.

  • Agreement with private investment firm for tenancy management of more than 400 dwellings to be delivered under the Housing Investment Fund – Large Scale Affordable Housing Projects in Queensland.

  • Partnership with developers for the management of dwellings to be delivered as part of the State of Queensland's Build-to-Rent Pilot Project and other project in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

  • Advising in relation to and preparing legal document structure for the Housing Australia Future Fund tender submission. This included advising in relation to finance documents with private investors, funding application to Housing Australia and document structure with other project partners.

  • Facilitating affordable homeownership through partnership with private investors and delivery through shared equity homeownership programs;

  • Advising in relation to and preparing agreements under section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 between developers and responsible authorities to secure affordable housing contributions either voluntarily provided or required under the Planning Scheme or planning permits;

  • Advising on requirements and exemptions under the Planning Scheme regarding the delivery of affordable and social housing;

  • Advising on proposed rezonings and other planning scheme amendments either requiring affordable and social housing contributions or facilitating their delivery;

  • Conducting due diligence on project partners.


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