Intellectual Property Harwood Andrews Intellectual Property Harwood Andrews

Is your business name really protected?

One of our clients recently rebranded her business, and in the process changed its name. Her accountant had diligently registered a new business name for her. Unknowingly, she’d chosen a name similar to a competitor’s name – but it was different enough for ASIC to allow both registrations. Inevitably, the competitor threatened legal action.

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Intellectual Property Harwood Andrews Intellectual Property Harwood Andrews

Dealing with Twitter Spam

If you are a regular user of Twitter, you may randomly discover one day that your Twitter account has been hacked. This involves unusual and often short tweets being sent directly to your followers, using their @ Twitter handle and including a question designed to drive followers to the accompanying link. Fear not -such spam is usually harmless and the issue is easily rectifiable.

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Intellectual Property Harwood Andrews Intellectual Property Harwood Andrews

5 Tips from an IP lawyer to protect your start-up business

‘Entrepreneur’ is no longer a dirty word. Once considered a term self-claimed by unemployed middle aged men, [1] entrepreneurism has hit the limelight. With increased accessibility to cost effective business models, passionate individuals are now pursuing their start-up ventures at a rate not seen before.

But one thing hasn’t (and won’t) change. Start-ups are cash-strapped and often look to cut corners. Some legal corners, however, can be costly or devastating to the development of a start-up. Here are our top 5 lessons you don’t want to learn the hard way.

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