Oliver Hume Decision: Victorian Landholders Duty Applies on Capital Raising based on “substantially one arrangement”

The Victorian Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Oliver Hume Property Funds (Broad Gully Rd) Diamond Creek Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2024] VSCA 175 has settled that, in Victoria, aggregation applies to the acquisition of shares or units by investors, even in circumstances where the investors are unrelated under the one syndication or capital raising process.

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Tax Paul Gray Tax Paul Gray

How to approach business structures and restructures in 2021

COVID-19 has taught us to expect the unexpected. Australians are generally positive people with a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude to all aspects of life including in business. However, COVID-19 has caused many people to question that attitude and as a result many are now understanding the importance of planning for the worst-case scenario.

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Tax Rob Warnock Tax Rob Warnock

The Allocation of Profits by Professional Firms: Further Hurdles to be Overcome for IPPs

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released guidelines which set out the ATO’s proposed compliance approach to the allocation of profits by professional firms. The Draft Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2021/D2 Allocation of professional firm profits – ATO compliance approach (Draft PCG) make substantial changes to the former guidance that the ATO suspended in late 2017.

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