Adley Burstyner and Harwood Andrews Fighting for Farmers with Milk Price Action

Adley Burstyner and Harwood Andrews have announced they are joining forces to work on a claim against milk processors for the current crisis facing Victorian dairy farmers.
The claims Adley Burstyner are exploring will look at:

  1. Challenges brought about by the recent drop in farmgate milk price and the  circumstances surrounding that unexpected price drop; in particular whether the  processors had reasonable grounds for repeatedly assuring farmers about a strong  farmgate price between the opening price statement of 24 June 2015 and the price  correction in April and May 2016.
  2. Misleading and deceptive conduct and improper representations.
  3. Scrutinising the management of processors, as well as farmers’ rights to bring about  change to that management.

Unlike other cases against Murray Goulburn, Adley Burstyner will focus on the farmers only rather than the larger group of shareholders/unitholders in Murray Goulburn.

 Adley Burstyner hopes the case will not only help the farmers whose livelihoods rely on the milk industry, but that the process will also send a message that clawback schemes proposed by the milk processors will not be accepted without a challenge.

Working in conjunction with leading rural and regional law firm Harwood Andrews, Adley Burstyner is also developing arrangements that will mean there will be no financial contribution required from the farmers to run the case.

Group claim expert David Burstyner said “I have seen first-hand hundreds of farmers crying out for help. We want to use our skill set in group claims and experience of over a century working with agribusiness to help. Farmers now need to tell us that this is what they want, because this is for them not us. If enough farmers express interest via our website, then we will continue working on this. Our energies are focused on trying to recover the financial losses of farmers, and changing the system and management which allowed this to happen.”

At this stage Adley Burstyner is still investigating the relevant legal and factual matters and are asking for expressions of interest from any farmers who have been impacted.
If you or someone you know is a dairy farmer and needs help, visit and express your interest now.

For further information and media enquiries contact:
David Burstyner
Adley Burstyner
T +61 3 9611 0137
M +61 411 072 743



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