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Australia is recognised for its reputation as an open, stable, globally connected economy. With its close connections across the Tasman, it’s no surprise that New Zealand businesses often making the move to expand their operations within Australia.
Australia is recognised for its reputation as an open, stable, globally connected economy. It’s no surprise that foreign businesses are making the move to expand their operations within Australia.
Australia is recognised for its reputation as an open, stable, globally connected economy. It’s no surprise that foreign businesses are making the move to expand their operations within Australia.
Transfer of property due to a change of trustee
This ruling from the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the Tribunal) serves as an important reminder for ensuring that discretionary trust deeds are appropriately amended to prevent the activation of "foreign" land transfer (stamp) duty and land tax surcharges
From 1 July 2024, a new state taxes regime commences for certain commercial and industrial properties. Upfront land transfer (stamp) duty will be phased out in lieu of a new annualised Commercial and Industrial Property Tax (New Tax).
A transfer of real property from a superannuation fund to a beneficiary of the fund
The VCAT ruling of Baullo v Commissioner of State Revenue [2023] VCAT 1164 (Baullo), has reaffirmed the position of the State Revenue Office (SRO) that forgiving beneficiary loans in relation to a distribution of property from a discretionary trust to a beneficiary will prohibit utilisation of the exemption to land transfer (stamp) duty afforded by section 36A of the Duties Act 2000 (Act).
Farmland is often the single most valuable asset for a farming family. The farm provides a base from which to operate the farming business and the capital value of the farmland typically increases in value over the long term.
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